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As i was searching round and round the internet trying to research on some quality contents to read, something came up in my mind to ask this very confusing question between a man and wife. Most times we experience this issues in our home or maybe someone related to us have experienced it. Before this man left home,he gave his wife just 500 naira only. The man left home for work but he forgot to tell his wife what to cook for him. The might decided that when he gets to work he was going to call her.
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When the man got to work, he called his wife and the conversation began. Not knowing that the wife's battery was down, they were talking. Lo and behold, the woman's phone went off and
the husband was angry thinking she cut off the phone.
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The woman decided to cook what she was capable of cooking with the money.
When the man got home at night, he questioned his wife why she hang up the call.
She tried to explain all but out of anger the man slapped the wife and started to insult her.
Now i really want to know who is at fault in this matter.
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